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What Is a Discursive Essay and How Do You Write a Good One?

Essay writing is a compulsory part of every student’s life. You have to write essays in your academic life every now and then and one of the types you have to write often is discursive essays. Every student wants to have the best essay help UK and in order to do that, you need a few techniques and methods. Writing an essay is not similar in every part of the world. For instance, methods and used to write UK best essays are different from writing the best essay for an American university.                 Today, we are going to discuss some general techniques to produce a good discursive essay. But before that, let us have a look at what a discursive essay actually is. What Is a Discursive Essay?                 A discursive essay is a type of essay in which you have to write about a topic in a balanced manner. You don’t need ...

How to Write Attention Grabbers That Work

Do you ever wonder how professional writers write so well? Have you ever given a thought to the question that how a paper assisted and edited by a writing essay service UK scores better than the one written by yourself? The reasons are a few and one of them is using attention grabbers.
Professional writers use attention getters or attention grabbers to intrigue their readers. According to a study, most readers decide in first two or three sentences on an average if they are going to read further or not. That means you don’t have a lot of time to convince your reader and make them read the whole piece of paper.
This is where these attention grabbers work the best. An attention grabber is a hook that keeps your reader interested in your writing and makes him read further. It arouses the curiosity among readers and forces them to go through the whole essay by appealing their senses.
Furthermore, attention grabbers, along with keeping the reader interested, support your argument as well, if they are used properly.
In this article, we are going to discuss how this technique can be used to hook up the readers. A few basic ways include:

Ask a Question:

This is a simple technique. You can ask any kind of questions like:
         Do you know why…?
         Have you ever wondered about…?
         Do you think…?
Using this technique directly affects the reader’s mind and they start thinking about the possible answers. Furthermore, the reader is able to connect your topic with their personal life when they try to relate it with their past experiences to find the answer.
                This gives the reader a sense of care about the topic that you are addressing and they read further in order to know what the answer is.


Reading a novel is preferred by most people over reading a paper full of plain facts and statements. The reason is that stories are interesting. They have a plot, characters, settings, climax and a conclusion. This intrigues a reader.
Similarly, when you start your essay with an anecdote as an attention grabber, the reader in intrigued. Anecdotes are very short stories that demonstrate a particular point to the reader.
This can perhaps be understood by an instance. Imagine, someone is telling you a story about your favorite person or anything you like on phone and in the middle of the story, line is cut. How eager would you be to know what happened next? Same happens when you begin with a story in your essay.
However, you need to make sure that the story is connected to your thesis statement. The transition from your anecdote to the introduction of the topic should be smooth. Also, make sure that the settings, rhetoric, metaphors are used to illustrate your point rather than being irrelevant to the main topic. Use descriptive language and strong verbs to emphasize your point.
A story is a great way to captivate your reader’s attention. If constructed well, it can make them forget that they are reading a boring essay. Start telling the story from its climax as you don’t have a lot of sentences to keep the reader on the same page.

Surprising Facts:

Surprising facts work as attention grabbers because they provide the reader with a new and unexpected information. These surprising facts can either be the statistical data or any information related to your topic. For example if you want to talk about drugs used in educational institutions, you may start with stating the figures or percentage of students who are involved in drug usage.
Moreover, when the reader is startled by the figures or any obscure information, their surprise is the hook that you need. However, it’s imperative that the provided facts or data is in support of your argument. Otherwise, your hook may become a joke.


A joke can be an effective way to start your essay. You can either make a joke of general nature in order to begin your introduction in a lighter mood or make a joke about your subject or topic in particular.
However, when you make a general joke that an average person can understand, make sure that you tie it back to your thesis. Otherwise, it will seem an unnecessary and irrelevant thing, separate from the subject matter.
By making relatable jokes, you make the reader realize that it is not just a boring paper but rather, an essay with information that provides entertainment as well. You can appeal a larger audience by using this technique.


Another useful technique to use in opening lines of your essays is to quote someone else. In this way you drop the reader straight into the matter. Make sure that the quoted person is famous and people revere them for their works in that particular field.
In this way, you don’t only grab the attention of your reader but also make your argument stronger by supporting it from an outer and credible source. Always use quotation marks to present the words of other people and cite them properly. Otherwise it will be considered plagiarism which is a serious academic offence.

Using attention grabbers is important because it gives the reader context, entertains them or keeps their interests alive in the essay. Whether you are a student or a professional writer currently working with some writing essay service UK, your attention grabbers can bring huge success to you if used correctly.


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What Is a Discursive Essay and How Do You Write a Good One?

Essay writing is a compulsory part of every student’s life. You have to write essays in your academic life every now and then and one of the types you have to write often is discursive essays. Every student wants to have the best essay help UK and in order to do that, you need a few techniques and methods. Writing an essay is not similar in every part of the world. For instance, methods and used to write UK best essays are different from writing the best essay for an American university.                 Today, we are going to discuss some general techniques to produce a good discursive essay. But before that, let us have a look at what a discursive essay actually is. What Is a Discursive Essay?                 A discursive essay is a type of essay in which you have to write about a topic in a balanced manner. You don’t need ...